Clark Dental

Surgical Instructions

What to expect after surgery

Post surgical instructions



Dental Surgery FAQs

What can I eat? 
Eat soft foods the day of surgery. While your extraction site is healing avoid chewing on that side of your mouth and avoid crunchy and hard foods.

 When can I return to work?
 You should be able to return to work right away. 

Can I drink Alcohol? 
 Avoid any alcohol consumption for 24hrs after any sedation.

 Can I use THC?
 No THC in any form for 24hrs post procedure. 

 Why is there still a hole where my tooth was removed?
 It is normal for an extraction site to take up to 2 months to close completely and heal.

 What is the white material coming out of my extraction site?
 It is likely not an infection. We over pack the site with white graft material. It is a healthy part of healing for excess to be expelled.